Parent Testimonials
Essential personnel during COVID-19
Essential workers in Sublette County
"I feel so fortunate to have the CDC in our community. They went above and beyond in our time of need, they worked quickly and efficiently to accommodate all of our children which significantly impacted our ability to provide excellent healthcare services to our community! We don't know what we wouldv'e done without them!!"
"As a nurse in Sublette County, it was a huge stress relieve to have the CDC take my two boys, so their routine could remain as much the same as possible. We are grateful to have such a wonderful program in our community who go above and beyond for the needs in our community. "
"The CDC provided the ultimate support for our family during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing remote learning resources to our preschooler and community free of charge. As essential workers, we’re beyond grateful the CDC was able to re-open their doors to our family. We felt safe sending our daughters knowing the CDC adheres to strict health guidelines which assisted us in keeping our most vulnerable assets healthy. The CDC went above and beyond when financial assistance was provided to assist alleviate the financial burden of having two children enrolled in the program. Thank you Pinedale Children’s Discovery Center, your dedication and care is greatly appreciated."
More excitement, more curious, more considerate
Tim &
Ms. Allie:
"We very much appreciate the Children’s Discovery Centers Summer Program which our son participated in this year. In addition to being available during Robena and my busiest time of year (botany work doesn’t happen in the winter!), we found it very comforting that he got to do such a wide variety of activities and go to so many places at a formative time in his life that we notice how every input expands his view of the world. I don’t know how we would have managed without your program and we really feel that our son was more excited, more curious and more considerate after a summer day at the CDC than on the two days a week when he was with his grandma.
The CDC has been such an important part of our child's development. Thank you for everything you’ve done to prepare him for the world and to feed his ravenously curious young mind over the last four years!"
New Skills, new friendships, excitement for the future
"Shay participated in the summer program, for the third year, and came away with new skills, new friendships, and an excitement for the future. This summer she spent time climbing, which she'd never tried before but loved and now asks us all the time to go to the PAC and go climbing. This is a skill set she wouldn't have learned if not for her time at the Discovery Center summer program, and an activity that will keep her fit and active throughout her entire life if she chooses. She also really enjoys the yoga classes with Miss Tillie. The amount of stretch she has now compared to a year ago is pretty amazing, and again, this is another great activity that she loves and enjoys that she can use throughout her life to keep fit and healthy. The friends she's made at the Discovery Center will probably be friends she has for a lifetime. They're all the same age, have very similar interests, have parents who are friends too, and have built fond memories throughout the summer and the year, that they will be able to look back on and know that those memories are what made them who they are. These kids hiked in the mountains together, recycled together, did community projects together, and worked together to make our community a cleaner, healthier, and happier place. I love the Discovery Center and their Summer Program, it give these kids a chance to have fun and learn skills, like climbing, pottery, participating in the summer farmers market, and is structured and enriching."
CDC fits with our lifestyle choices
"As a parent who is very conscious of food choices at home it was wonderful to have the Discovery Center provide food that fit with our family’s lifestyle. At home we limit sugar, and offer not only lots of vegetables and fruit but different types of foods. The ability of the CDC to compliment our lifestyle and provide all the children who go there a high-quality food program is outstanding."
"I love the fact that both kids are interested and excited to help me recycle! When I take them they want to come in and help and can’t wait to tell me how they do it with school and know all about it!"
Enriching and fun summer!
"Early childhood education is about so much more than just learning ABC's and 123's and that is what the Children's Discovery Center does throughout the summer. Each week the kids learned about something new: water & the animals that live there followed by trips to Fremont Lake & the town pond, mountain men and early settlors followed by a trip to the mountain man museum, our local fisheries including a visit from the local Game & Fish along with a day or two of fishing and visits to the fish hatchery, enjoying and respecting our great outdoors with a beautiful hike to Sacred Rim. The kids even made a journey up to Jackson to visit the Children's Museum in August. The opportunities my son had over this past summer are too numerous to list and as a working parent, I would not have been able to cover so much in such a short period of time. What an enriching & fun summer he had!"
Gives our children a good start
“Giving our children a good start is imperative when we want to talk about how our schools perform as far as quality education. The fact that the kids at the CDC spend time in our community helping out, and visiting with our seniors, learning about conservation and the importance of growing your own food and caring for animals that also provide food, is becoming more and more important in this world of instant gratification and digital speed. I love this school and what it's all about, how it's teaching our kids to become stewards for our planet, teaching them the fundamentals they will need in kindergarten, and with the Wyoming Community Foundation’s contributing to this valuable education, it helps all of us, from donors to parents to keep the doors open on this valuable school.”
Affordable daycare helps families succeed
“It's important for the children to be prepared for school it is also equally important for the parents to be able to support their families and have someone we trust to watch and teach our kids. If programs like this lose all support, then parents will ultimately lose affordable daycare and have to quit their jobs. If a family can't make money and have childcare in a town they have to leave. If we want to continue to support our community and our families, we need to support programs that are going to help them.”