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What to do over the next 2 weeks while in quarantine...

Please let your preschooler know that we miss them dearly! Although we don't encourage worksheets and the use of technology, we do encourage...PLAY! This is a time of uncertainty and even fear. Many kids are feeling anxious about Coronavirus itself and the quarantine. Their lives have been turned upside down just as much as ours. Don't stress about online learning, planning home-school lessons, etc. Rather, ease up on the academics and just let them play! And when you're able to, play with them. Make sure to also encourage that they help you clean up the activity (just like at school). Please enjoy this time with your kiddos and don't stress over planning out your day. Early childhood is a special period in life--and not only is it short, we can't ever get it back. You got this! Below are a variety of activities that the CDC does with your children, so it shouldn't be new to them. This kind of free play builds creativity, motor skills, and decision making abilities, all precursors to academic learning.

We focus on 4 groups of learning through play: Music and Movement activities, Class and sensory activities, outdoor enrichment, and dramatic play. While we have not listed everything, this should help you in the next 2 weeks.

Music and Movement:

  • Listen to music

  • dance party

  • have a color/shape/letter/number i-spy

  • scarf dance

  • yoga

  • gymnastics

  • drum to a song

Outdoor Enrichment:

  • Spring is here and there are changes happening outside; have your preschooler go on a nature walk and identify those changes. Point out what you smell, hear, see.

  • Ride your bikes

  • Plant seeds

  • Sidewalk chalk

  • bubbles

  • music outside

  • build a bug home for spring using various materials

  • build a cardboard fort outside and decorate it.

Class and Sensory activities:

  • Find board games suitable for their age

  • build with blocks and legos, magnatiles

  • STEAM experiments

  • create art!

  • read books (always)

  • find a bucket and fill it with materials (beans, rice, buts, spaghetti, shaving cream, etc. Add in spoons and sifters)

  • in the kitchen; have a taste test (spicy, sour, bitter, sweet, etc.) Have your child identify certain smells (lemon juice, cinnamon, vanilla, mint, etc.) set the table for meals, help prepare meals/snacks

  • folding laundry (believe it or not, they help fold our towels for the kitchen)

Dramatic Play

  • play dress up

  • hide and seek

  • make a fort using boxes, blankets, pillows, etc.

  • continue encouraging self-dressing

  • have a tea party

We hope this helps!


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